Latest NewsFinal information event of the project «Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Asbestos Mine»On Saturday, 29 April 2017, the final information event of the project “Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Asbestos Mine” was organized in the Visitor Center of the Troodos Botanical Garden, in the Amiantos Asbestos Mine. The event was addressed by the President of the Community Council of Amiantos Village, the General Director of the General Directory for European Programmes, Coordination and Development and from the Minister of Agriculture, and Environment (represented by the Director of the Geological Survey Department). After the greetings, the project coordinator, Chief Conservator of Forests Mr. Takis Tsintides, presented the project. The event included a short tour in the artificial lake during which the guests had the chance to have a close look to the project works and was concluded with a meal at the café-restaurant at Platania Forest Station
View the embedded image gallery online at: CONSTRUCTION OF THE ARTIFICIAL LAKE IN AMIANTOS MINE- PLACEMENT OF GEOTEXTILEWithin the framework of the project "Biodiversity Conservation during the restoration and management of the Asbestos Mine EEAGrants" the Forest Department is currently progressing with the works for the completion of the artificial lake. Firstly, the bottom and the slopes of the central crater were shaped appropriately with bottom sealing, followed by the placement of the geotextile. In the center of the lake a small island has been formed as a shelter for birds. Hygrophilous vegetation of plane trees and oriental alderr will be planted around the lake. Hydro seeding for the year 2015 at the Asbestos mine![]() Between 23-26 of November took place at Amiandos mine the hydro seeding for the year 2015. Hydroseeding is a specialized method coined for unsteady, sloping and inaccessible or inaccessible surfaces. Restoration works in the Amiantos Asbestos Mine during summer and autumn 2015![]() Implementation of the project “Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Amiantos Asbestos Mine” continued at an intensive rate during this summer and autumn. Construction of the artificial lake at Amiandos Mine![]() For theimplementation of the project “Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of theAmiantosAsbestos Mine”,the Forest department is currently addressing the beginning of the works for the construction of the lake. Checking of artificial nests placed to assist the nesting of wild birdsThe artificial nests that were placed to improve the habitat of wildlife were checked recently. More specifically, in 2014, 80 artificial nests of 4 different types that satisfy the nesting needs of various species of bird fauna were placed on trees, shrubs and buildings to enhance biodiversity in the Asbestos Mine. The various types of nests provide shelter to the following species:
Monitoring of the nests during 2015 included the recording of nests to be used by birds for nesting, recording the species that would use the nests and the reproductive success of each nest (number of eggs and chicks in each nest). During an inspection conducted simultaneously with maintenance and cleaning recently, it was found that a minimum of 40% of the nests were used by various kinds of birds during the previous breeding season.
View the embedded image gallery online at: Film Presentatio "Asbestos: Past, Present and Future"On Wednesday, February 18, the film "Asbestos: Past, Present and Future" was shown to a packed auditorium at the University of Nicosia. The film has been produced within the project "Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Amiantos Asbestos Mine in Troodos National Forest Park" Cyprus was an important asbestos producer during the classical and particularly the Greco-Roman times. The modern mining activity started in 1904 and the asbestos mine became the largest and most populous mine in Cyprus, with a huge economic, technological and social contribution to the development of the island. Thousands of people from all parts of the island worked there, thus turning the place into an organized town with a Community Council, a church, a hospital, a school and shops. The film captures scenes and features people who worked in the mind and who describe the working conditions and their life there. Scenes from the work carried out for the difficult and costly rehabilitation and replanting of the area are also shown. Hydro seeding for the year 2014 at the Asbestos mineBetween 16-18 of December took place at Amiandos mine the hydro seeding for the year 2014. Hydroseeding is a specialized method coined for unsteady, sloping and inaccessible or inaccessible surfaces. It includes a very specialized process, which comprises the launching seeds with water, fertilizer and adhesives downhill with the hydroseeder. Asphalt pavement and retaining wall constructionAsphalt pavement of about 430 meters was conducted at the Amiandos Mine, on a road next to the lake. Initially, crushed gravel mixture was placed, which was sprayed with water and then compressed. Next, asphalt concrete mix was paved in two layers and then compressed. A concrete rainwater groove was also built (for part of the road). Two – day Seminar on “Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration of Mines and Quarries in Cyprus”The seminar was held on 27-28.11.2014 at the Troodos Botanical Garden "A.G. Leventis’ and addressed the issue of “Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration of Mines and Quarries in Cyprus”. From Asbestos to BiodiversityIn the heart of the Troodos National Forest Park, an abandoned asbestos mine poses a threat to people, fauna and wildlife alike. With support from the Grants, biodiversity protection and good management practices are being emphasised in the rehabilitation of the mining area. 19.11.2014
The last piece of asbestos was dug out of the Amiantos mine in 1988. However, restoration of the area is still ongoing. Underway since 1995, the rehabilitation process is a lengthy and complex task expected to be completed in 2030. The support from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway is part of a wider effort to preserve local biodiversity by enhancing capacity and know-how in restoration procedures, health and safety standards, and conservation techniques. The Department of Forests of the Cypriot Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment manages the project. Need for restorationThe rehabilitation of the mining is essential for the surrounding area. In addition to being one of Cyprus’ most popular tourist locations, the Troodos National Forest Park is a Natura 2000 site, belonging to an EU wide network of natural conservation areas. “[The park] is mostly natural and a very valuable habitat for many native plants and animals. Its conversation status is good, although it receives many visitors with all the subsequent consequences. The Amiantos mine is a blight on this valuable area,” explains project manager Takis Tsintides. “While it was operational, the mine contributed significantly to the prosperity of surrounding area, in particular as a major employer. But gradually it became clear that it also had a negative impact on human health. Many people died from diseases related to asbestos, like asbestosis and mesothelioma,” continues Tsintides. Likewise, the surrounding area is a water catchment area which flows towards one of the island’s largest dams providing water for domestic consumption. ![]() The restoration of the abandoned mine is both a large and complex task. Photo: Department of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture of Cyprus
Few plants have grown around the mine over the last decades as the soil has mostly been removed, leaving a shallow and coarse ground with a high pH value and limited nutrients. In the recent years, the risk of landslides has also become a concern, threatening lives and properties below the mine. Expert knowledgeThe aim of the project is to create a stable and self-sufficient forest ecosystem by evaluating and improving the current restoration techniques. “We had to convince the staff that it is not enough to just plant trees. We need to deal with other aspects and needs as well, such as doing it effectively, using the correct plant species, paying attention to the needs of biodiversity and also taking landscaping and visitor needs into consideration,” says Tsintides. Now, new methods are being implemented with the help of a hydro-seeding and mine restoration experts who have evaluated the previous restoration work and provided training seminars for the staff. The experts have also complied guidelines on hydro-seeding, mine and quarries restoration, and on the controlling invasive species, which will be used throughout the whole restoration process, as well as in other similar schemes in Cyprus. Visible resultsThe change in the area is already detectable. Out of the 14 hectares of mine waste planned to be restored under the project, ten are already completed. An artificial lake is also being created at the core of the mine pond which is expected to meet the area’s irrigation and wildlife needs. ![]() A restored part of the Amiantos Mine. Photo: Department of Forest, Ministry of Agriculture of Cyprus
Even though the project is still not completed, it has already garnered positive attention. “The local communities were informed about the project and its progress at two information events organised in June in 2013 and 2014 and they all expressed their satisfaction about the project,” says Tsintides, adding that environmental groups have also voiced their support of replicating the lessons learned in other mines and quarries. Essential fundingThe project receives around €1.1 million from Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, making it the largest project supported through the Cypriot ‘Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’ programme. “The support of the EEA Grants has proved very valuable as Cyprus has been facing an unexpected economic crisis since 2013,” notes Tsintides. “This has enabled restoration work to continue at a good pace, which otherwise would have been postponed as a result of drastic cuts in the department’s annual budget.” The project began in early 2013 and will run through to 2015. See more photos from the project in the EEA and Norway Grants media library Read more about the Cypriot ‘Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services’ programme Read more about the EEA Grants to Cyprus
Key FactsCountry: Cyprus Project title: Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Amiantos Asbestos Mine in Troodos National Forest Park Project number: CY02-0001 Priority sector: Environmental Protection and Management Grant: € 1138050 Status: In Progress Project promoter: Department of Forests - Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment Type of Institution: Government ministry Project website: Project duration: 35 months Project cost: € 1,350,000 Grant from: EEA Grants The Amiantos asbestos mine closed down in 1988 is located within a Natura 2000 site in the Troodos National Forest Park. Rehabilitation of the area started in 1996 and is estimated to take up to 40 years. Reforesting the site and revitalising the area is needed to make this part of the National Park less hazardous for the local population to live in (now close to an open pitch Asbestos mine) and more attractive for tourists to visit. The project will contribute to halting the loss of biodiversity at the site by improving mine restoration and management practices. Enhanced capacity and know-how in restoration procedures, health and safety standards and conservation techniques will ensure more effective management of the Natura 2000 site. Improving the surrounding landscape will also make the site more attractive for visitors. Target Groups: entire society of Cyprus, inhabitants of the local communities, the Department of Forests and professionals in mine restoration and scientists.
Restoration works in the Amiantos Asbestos Mine during summer and autumn 2014
Second information event of the project “Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Asbestos Mine “
Visit of the expert on hydroseedingDuring the period 17-21.03.2014 the expert on Hydroseeding, Mr. Cristophe Lignier from France, visited the Asbestos mine. During his visit he was guided into the mine in order to see closely and evaluate the work done so far, but also for the inspection of equipment and materials of hydroseeding. Planting of fruit-producing trees and sowing of various legumes and cereals for wildlifeWith the aim to improve biodiversity in the Amiantos Asbestos Mine, plantings were carried out at 9 points with fruit trees and shrubs for improving feeding conditions for several fauna species. Additionally, sowing with selected cereals and legumes was effected after suitable ground preparation over areas of 1.000-2.000 m2. At each point, fertile agricultural soil was transported and placed, at a depth of about 20-30 cm, while stones with a diameter above 10 cm were removed. At the four seeding points, 40 m³ of manure was mixed with the soil and then the selected seed species were sown. Construction of dry stonewalls for wildlifeIn the frame of the implementation of the project "Biodiversity Conservation in Restoration and Management of the Amiantos Asbestos Mine in Troodos National Forest Park",theconstruction of dry stone walls was completed in December 2013. The aim is to enrich and improve wildlifehabitat in the mine area. With the constructionof dry stone wallsat selectedpoints within themine,shelter andnesting conditions for a range of wildlife species will be significantly improved. Expert on mine/quarry restoration
EEA Grants 2009-2014 ActivityOn Friday, 6.09.2013, a one-day workshop was organized in the frame of the project, with three lectures on the dangers for human health from the asbestos fibres, mainly for the workers and other staff dealing with restoration. The event took place in the Visitor Center of the Botanical Garden at Amiantos asbestos mine. Two Double-cabin vechicles acquiredIn July 2013, the two double-cabin vehicles and one-ton fire truck provided in the project proposal were acquired by the Department of Forests.
View the embedded image gallery online at: First Information Event of the Project
Ground preparation works in Amiantos Mine
Provision of services by the expert on mine restoration
During his stay, the expert had extensive discussions with local staff, on the methods, techniques and plant species used in mine restoration. There was a productive exchange of ideas, and the staff was really impressed by the long experience and knowledge of Dr Brofas, and the solutions he could suggest on the many specific problems of restoration.
Invasive Species
An expert from Israel, Dr. Jean-Marc Dufour-Dror (specialist on Applied Ecology) visited the Asbestos Mine area during the period 7.05.2013 – 09.05.2013. He trained the Forestry Department (DF) staff and supervised the works of removal of 300 trees of Locust Tree (Robinia psedoacacia) and Ailanthus altissima which are considered invasive species or potentially so. The personnel of the DF continued working after departure of the expert with the aim to remove at least 1.000 invasive trees from the mine area, as provided in the contract with EE Grants. |